
【連載】新しいフィランソロピーのコミュニティ vol.1 (香港SFi)

香港 サステナブル・ファイナンス・イニシアティブへのインタビュー
ー インパクト・コミュニティの設立 ー

サステナブル・ファイナンス・イニシアティブ(以下、SFi)は、業界のパイオニアであるRSグループがインキュベートした香港を拠点とするインパクト投資のプラットフォームです。SFiはインパクト投資やサステナブル投資に資産を振り向けたい個人・ファミリーオフィスのコミュニティで、メンバーの関心に応じた投資の機会をメンバーに紹介しています。今回は、Katy Yung氏(SFiマネージング・パートナー)とJoleen Soo氏(SFiコミュニティ&エンゲージメント・リード)に、SFiの設立からの活動、現在の状況、そして今後の展望を伺いました。

サステナブル・ファイナンス・イニシアティブ マネージング・パートナー Katy Yung氏
Sustainable Finance Initiative Managing Partner


サステナブル・ファイナンス・イニシアティブ コミュニティ&エンゲージメント・リード Joleen Soo氏
Sustainable Finance Initiative Community and Engagement Lead





2018年、RSグループからスピンアウトする形でSFiは正式に設立されました。当時の香港はインパクト投資の初期段階で、関心が高まっており「Doing well and doing good(良いことをしながら成功する)」ためにより多くの資本が動員されるようになっていました。現在では投資家は適切な投資手段を用いれば、利益と(良いことをするという)目的が相反するものではないことを理解するようになりました。















「次世代(next gens)」の重要な影響力















インパクトとサステナブル・ファイナンスを学ぶためのプラットフォーム「New Impact Society」

サステナブル・ファイナンスの知識と人材のギャップを埋めるため、SFiは最近、オンライン教育プラットフォーム「New Impact Society(NIS)」を立ち上げました。NISは、サステナブル・ファイナンスのキャリアに軸足を置きたい金融専門家向けに、短期間のオンラインとライブ配信のコースを提供します。サステナブル・ファイナンスの専門家を養成することで、より多くの人がインパクト投資を実現し、より良いインパクト・イニシアチブとより安定的な資金調達が可能となるエコシステムが構築されることを目指します。


企画・監修:SIIF 藤田淑子、小柴優子
インタビュー・執筆:株式会社キラリプラネット 細田幸恵

---- English below ----

Interview with Sustainable Finance Initiative
ー Founding An Impact Community ー
Sustainable Finance initiative ('SFi') is a Hong Kong-based, impact investment platform incubated by industry pioneer RS Group. In this interview, SIIF spoke to Katy Yung (Managing Partner, SFi) and Joleen Soo (Community & Engagement Lead, SFi) about SFi's activities from its founding, what’s happening now, and what the future looks like.

Background of SFi
Sustainability-minded investors start working together

In 2016 RS Group released the “RS Group Impact Report”, documenting their five-year journey of putting into practice their ideas and thinking on responsible capital management, in building a Total Portfolio. Following the publication, Annie Chen (Founder of RS Group) and her team were approached by other family offices asking for advice on how to develop their own impact investment portfolios. Sustainable Finance Initiative was born out of this drive for family offices to pivot from traditional investments to developing a methodical approach to sustainable finance.

In 2018, SFi was officially incubated. It was early days for impact investing in Hong Kong there is growing interest in impact, and more capital is being mobilised for “doing well and doing good”. Investors are now understanding that profit and purpose, with the right investment vehicles, are not mutually exclusive.

Our first changemakers

Many family offices in Asia are often hesitant to look outside of traditional investments. In the early days of SFi, we started by identifying leaders who were willing to champion impact investments, as Annie had with her community. These leaders were (and still are) the catalysts to help grow the dialogue and activity within the impact ecosystem.

Many SFi’s members have been referred to us through our existing networks, leading to a community that has a high degree of credibility. This is a like-minded community that share an incredible passion for putting their capital behind real change-making and profit-generating opportunities.

The Investor Circle

SFi members are referred to as our “investor circle”. They generally ask 3 main questions prior to joining.
1. Who in their community is practicing impact investment?
2. What are the impact investment opportunities accessible to them?
3. How can they learn more and be kept up to date with the trends in sustainability and impact.

SFi has developed its services to address these concerns. For example, in our monthly Investor Circle meeting, we present investment opportunities broken down by impact theme, asset class, ticket size, risk tolerance and geography. We have vetted and introduced more than 200 opportunities to date. If an investor is interested in an opportunity, SFi supports the member via due diligence, impact measurement etc. To date, a number of investments have been made through SFi’s deal flow sessions, covering topics such as climate change, food and agriculture, and EdTech (technology-enabled education).

Member learning and education

SFi aims to create a positive, supportive, and collaborative environment where members can reach out to each other. As a measure to achieve this, we offer monthly learning sessions tailored to our members' interests and current events. We call them SFi Brownbag sessions and they cover any topic related to impact and sustainability, with the aim of increasing members' knowledge. Recently, we have tailored topics to members' interests, such as sustainable seafood, ESG Reporting and carbon markets in China.

A tight-knit community

Other events, like social gatherings and field trips, are organised to foster a sense of closeness among members. In the impact investing community, it is not just about capital, but the underlying passion that brings everyone together. Our members have even opened their homes for such occasions. When working with high-net-worth individuals, we have found that personal service is key. We try to build close relationships with all our members, with a deep understanding of their impact and investment goals.

SFi Members
Members have both financial and operational knowledge in investments

The SFi members are generally family offices and private investors. Access to our services is through a paid annual membership with different tiers depending on the member requirements.SFi members are mostly experienced investors. They know what questions to ask beyond returns and timeframes and have knowledge of both financial and business operations. However, a member does not need to be an experienced investor to benefit from SFi’s services. Since our services are quite personal, we can help any investor understand an opportunity from the impact, financial and business angles.

The important influence of “next gens”

SFi members are quite different in age and background. While many are still involved in their primary or family enterprises, some have sold their businesses, are semi-retired or have pursued second careers. A diverse mix of people adds richness to our community. We find that there are also many cross-generational discussions. The younger or “next gen” demographic are convincing the older, more conservative generation to make sustainability-focused changes to their investment portfolio. It can be challenging to change the older generation’s mindset but SFi supports our member’s investment journeys in many ways. SFi does this through training the next gen in how to approach impact investing with their families, setting up mandates and educating financial professionals on how to better understand and communicate sustainability-focused financial products.

Promoting impact investments
Learning through real-life experience of impact investing

Hong Kong is a very philanthropic and charity- minded society. Many people who have been active in philanthropy don’t believe, or don’t realise that they can also make financial returns while delivering on a purpose. We encourage philanthropy practitioners to take an interest in sustainable finance, and understand how impact investing can address social and environmental issues at the root. We believe that a growing number of investors are already making this mindset shift.

SFi members have a range of preferred asset classes and is based on their risk appetite, and some also want to be involved in the operational side of start-ups. Most investors see ESG investing as a start. With banks already introducing so many ESG investments- which usually just support industry, governmental or socially expected compliance- it’s easy to take that first step. To complement, SFi, also focuses on impact investments which have a much more intentional, purposeful output. The next steps could be defining an impact mandate, carving out a segment of your portfolio for this purpose and making that first investment. By approaching impact investing methodically, it becomes clearer and easier to take action.

Introduce investment opportunities that reflect the interests of the community.

We base our investment pipeline on the impact themes and UNSDGs our members are more interested in. Members may have a bias towards Asia, primarily Hong Kong, China and South East Asia, but SFi sources investment opportunities globally. Our community is very international, so communications are mainly in English.

Connecting on a deeper level through knowledge

We are always very conscious of providing the right value for family offices and high-net-worth individuals. SFi aims to create a community that connects on a deeper level, rather than a broad and shallow community. In doing so, our community must be knowledgeable about the issues that bring them together. When it comes to learning, it can be difficult to determine the right amount of information, or how deep we want to dive. If we provide too much think-tank expertise, our members may lose interest. Too little, and they won’t know how to ask the right questions when presented with opportunities. We feel it is important to find the right balance between what they need and what they want.


Impact that has been generated
Growing interest in impact investing and building an ecosystem

In recent years, we have seen a robust increase in impact investing fostered by events such as COP26 and other dialogues on climate change, as well as the innovation from impact-driven startups. Hong Kong is a hub of innovation and technology, fueling enthusiasm and attention for new developments. Incubators and other programmes have been also supporting more sustainability and impact-related businesses. Financial institutions are also pushing more sustainable investment products, making it easier for people to support issues they are passionate about. The industry as a whole is becoming less fragmented, and the ecosystem is growing. As more private investors are introduced to introductory ESG investments, they will come to firms such as SFi when they are ready to take the next step towards impact.  For now, most financial institutions are not ready to have conversations with investors growing from “ESG” to “impact”.


Future activities
New Impact Society, a platform for learning about impact and sustainable finance

To plug the knowledge and talent gap in sustainable finance, SFi recently launched an online education platform: New Impact Society(NIS). NIS provides short, online and live-streamed courses for financial professionals who want to pivot into sustainable finance careers. By educating professionals on sustainable finance, we aim to make impact investing achievable for more people and to grow the ecosystem where impact initiatives can be better and more consistently funded.


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